Herbal Life Diet – Six Herbs for a Great Diet

Herbs are great to include in a diet to remain healthy. Plants have been used in medicine for thousands of years already and these can be used for your herbal life diet.

Here are six medicinal herbs studied by scientists that are helpful in your herbal life diet:

1. Garlic

It has perfect properties to combat heart diseases and other health risks. Frequent use of garlic can prevent cardiovascular maladies. Garlic increases high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) and it lowers detrimental low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), and blood fats (triglycerides). Garlic is also renowned for lowering high blood pressure.

Garlic also helps prevent cancer by raising the level of glutathione transferase in the body. It`s a liver enzyme that detoxifies carcinogens in the body. Researchers in China found out that gastric cancer could be reduced if there is a high intake of garlic.

There is also research saying that garlic improves the suppressor/helper ratios of T-cells in patients with AIDS. Garlic is confirmed to work against bacteria. It is also known as antiviral and antifungal.

2. Gingko Biloba

It is extracted from the Gingko tree and has shown visual function benefits by improving eye microcirculation, especially with patients suffering from senile macular degeneration, a common situation that involves free radical harm.

More than 280 scientific researchers are saying that ginkgo extract prevents diseases like tinnitus, vertigo, memory impairment, anxiety, inner ear disturbances, depression, senility, neurological disorders, Raynaud’s disease, and edema. Gingko extract enhances the quality and augments the capillary circulation quantity, thus it improves the blood flow of the heart, brain, and tissues in glands and organs.

3. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is great for the heart. It helps the pumping action of the heart by cleaning the coronary arteries, which help in nourishing the heart muscle. Hawthorn can slow a fast heart rate and it strengthens a weakening heart. This herb lowers blood pressure, especially raised diastolic high blood pressure. It also benefits low blood pressure because of failing heart muscles with arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythm.

4. Licorice

Recently, it has been researched as an antiviral and can treat gastrointestinal ulceration. Licorice is anti-inflammatory, soothing, and has relaxing actions that aid smooth muscles in the gastrointestinal tract upon contact. It increases the bile secretion. It is indicated for gastrointestinal and mouth ulcers. Licorice root can soothe bronchitis and chronic coughs. Licorice can also reduce the cravings for sweets.

5. Ephedra

In Chinese, it is known as ma huang. Ephedra can be the oldest herb in the world cultivated for therapeutic goals, dating back 5,000 years ago. It is usually used as a decongestant in cold prescriptions.

Asthma sufferers are soothed by opening their sinus passages and it has antihistamine effects that help acute and chronic allergies. Ephedra is a blood pressure and heart function circulatory stimulant. It will elevate your blood pressure.

6. Ginseng

One of the most famous and widely researched herbs is ginseng. 3,000 scientific researches proved ginseng`s benefits to mental and physical health. Ginseng can help memory sharpness and learning. It has been studied that ginseng reduces cholesterol levels and it detoxifies the body. Ginseng also invigorates the lungs, calms the spirit, and it nourishes body fluids.

These six herbs are not only medically beneficial. You can include these in your herbal life diet and enjoy the great benefits. However, not only dieting is important to be fit and stay fit. You should know what to do, too. The Truth About Six Pack Abs will teach you both the right diet and the right exercise to reach your health and fitness goals. With thousands of satisfied students, this eBook is no wonder to be one of the best in the market today.

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